R.S. Maqsood 2022. AN APPRAISAL OF DRINKING WATER SOURCES AND WATERBORNE DISEASES AMONG CHILDREN IN NANKANA SAHIB CITY, PUNJAB. Pakistan Journal of Science. 71, 3 (Dec. 2022). DOI:https://doi.org/10.57041/pjs.v71i3.430.

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      <depositor_name>Dr Muhammad Nasir Khan</depositor_name>
    <registrant>Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science</registrant>
        <full_title>Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research</full_title>
        <issn media_type="electronic">0552-9050</issn>
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          <title>A Comprehensive Study on Elderly Self-Care Model: Integrating Functionality, Concept Analyses, and Care Needs</title>
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          <jats:p>This review paper delves into the historical evolution and contemporary significance of self-care among the elderly, emphasizing its pivotal role in addressing health challenges. Tracing its roots from ancient strategies to its redefinition in the modern era, the research navigates through the societal shifts that have shaped the perception and practice of self-care, particularly within the context of the elderly population. It is investigating the multifaceted influences on elderly self-care, including socioeconomic factors, social support, and health-related parameters. This study underscores the critical need for precise conceptual clarity in defining self-care across disciplines. Additionally, it emphasizes the necessity for a clearer understanding of Care Needs in Daily Living (CNDL) among older adults, asserting the imperative role of governments in formulating policies to cater to their distinct requirements. Ultimately, this study aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing the self-care needs of the elderly, facilitating improved healthcare interventions, and enhancing their overall quality of life.&#13;
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